Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Power of PRAYING

Weeks ago, I desired to have a devotional book. I longed to buy one that to my surprise, OMF Literature set up a stand at our church last Saturday. There were tons of devotional books to choose from. I really had a hard time choosing one. I asked friends and my pastor at church what they can recommend to me. Most of them recommended me a book entitled The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional Book by Gary Chapman. I started it last February 27. 

With a lot of books on display, I felt in my heart that I also want to read another book. Wives from church recommended me to read a 3 in 1 book of Stormie Omartian entitled The Power of PRAYING. Included on it are The Power of a Praying Wife; The Power of a Praying Parent and The Power of a Praying Woman. Being a newlywed gives me the desire to read this book. A lot of married women whispered to me during that day telling me that the first part entitled The Power of a Praying Wife is such a powerful book wherein you can pray for your husband. It teaches you HOW to pray for your husband. 

With 30 chapters in it, I decided to read one chapter per day for a month. I started last Sunday. And I'm so glad I bought it.

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